This is the Cross stitching r/place project. 

We are embroidering the entire r/place 2022 canvas onto fabric.

We are 400 stitchers all around the world coming together to each cross stitch a section of the final r/place image. 

We will then assemble all 400 sections into one final work of art.

Examples of completed sections:

Section I09

Section C03

Section S17

Section F11

Frequently asked questions

What version of r/place 2022 are you stitching? Are you stitching The Final Clean? 

We are stitching the version of the canvas as it was the moment it changed to only allow white pixels to be placed.

We deliberated whether to stitch The Final Clean, but decided not to due to multiple reasons.

When will it be completed?

Each section takes approximately 100 hours of stitching to complete. Overall, the project will have 4000 or more hours of embroidery work.

Once nearly all the stitching is complete, we will be collecting all of the sections at a location in the USA. We are planning to host an assembly event where our volunteers will join together and hand-sew the sections into one giant canvas.

It is hard to estimate when this will be done.  

What will happen to the finished assembled art?

We plan to either donate it to a museum, or give it to Reddit. With that, we would aim to host a fundraising event celebrating our efforts.